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Session 2: Legal framework for global advocacy

Time zone 1: Wednesday, 7 August (9:30 - 11:00 UTC)

Time zone 2: Thursday, 8 August (17:30 - 19:00 UTC)

Objective: This session will introduce participants to key documents that help set out the standards for digital rights within the international human rights framework. This framework forms the basis of all forms of international policy advocacy. Through this session, participants will be equipped with knowledge on the types of instruments, treaties and standards that are relevant for advocating for digital rights, the enforceability mechanisms that underpin these instruments and the importance of international human rights law in advocating for digital rights at the national, regional and global levels.

Session plan:

    The session will highlight the international human rights framework and its related enforceability mechanisms, and showcase the relevance and utility of this framework for local advocacy, through interactive discussion and practical exercises designed for participants. 

    Pre-preparation (to be completed before 7 August 2024):

    Participants are requested to watch the following video recording ahead of the session:

    Slide deck of presentation by Sheetal Kumar

    Session exercise:

    During the session, participants will be split into breakout groups. Groups will be pre-assigned by the organising team based on regional background of participants.

    Each group will be assigned a case from the CYRILLA database relevant to your region and respond to the following three questions:

    • What are the relevant international human rights standards to the case?
      • Can you point to any texts that illustrate how the standard is evolving in the digital age (e.g any soft law or general comments to a Treaty)?
    • What global enforcement mechanisms could be used?
      • Do you know of any precedents of the mechanism being used in relation to a similar case/s?
    • As a local advocate, how could you use your knowledge of these standards and enforcement mechanisms in an advocacy or campaign strategy?

    Timezone 1:

    Exercise Sheets 

    Timezone 2:

    Exercise Sheets 

    *Reading materials and tables are hyperlinked, please click the text to access

    Reading Materials:

    Suggested Readings 

    1. Arturo J. Carrillo, Primer on Researching International Law to Advance Digital Rights
    2. Global Information Society Watch, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Internet
    3. Article 19, Freedom of expression and ICTs: Overview of international standards

    Additional Readings 

    1. APC, APC Internet Rights Charter
    2. International Telecommunication Union, ICTs in Support of Human Rights, Democracy and Good Governance
    3. Global Network Initiative, Digital Freedoms in International Law: Practical Steps to protect Human Rights Online
    4. Towards an international advocacy strategy for economic, social and cultural rights and the internet


    1. Human Rights Instruments 
    2. UDHR
    3. Reporting Cycle under Human Rights Treaties 
    4. The Impact of the Internet on Human Rights in Africa 
    5. The International State of Digital Rights, a Conversation with the UN Special Rapporteur 
    6. Introduction to Human Rights Treaties
    7. Human Rights Treaty System
    8. State Party Reporting Obligations under International Human Rights Treaties
    9. UNHRC Members who have sponsored or co-sponsored Resolutions on the promotion, protection and enjoyment of human rights on the Internet

    📌 Presentation Slide: