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Gayatri K
User for 4 years
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Reading materials for whole workshop
Advocacy International: Advancing the D...
Workshop Overview
Reading materials for all sessions
Option 4: Comparative analysis
Internet Rules: Unboxing Digital Laws i...
Practicum for participants
Develop a 2-3 page analysis by comparing laws or drafts across two or more countries. This can al...
Option 3: Analysis of a law or draft law
Internet Rules: Unboxing Digital Laws i...
Practicum for participants
Develop a 2 page analysis of a law/draft in your country with a focus on a maximum of three provi...
Option 2: Reflection on a law or judgment
Internet Rules: Unboxing Digital Laws i...
Practicum for participants
Develop a 2 page article which captures your reflections, based on your field of work, on a law o...
Option 1: Analysis of a judgment
Internet Rules: Unboxing Digital Laws i...
Practicum for participants
Develop a 2-3 page analysis of a judgment in the following format: Country Court Title of ...
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