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Session 10: Advocacy and communication

27 November, 2020; 8:30 - 10:30 AM UTC

This unit will start with an overview of the different kinds of advocacy initiatives that groups have undertaken to effect changes in both enacted ICT laws and draft laws. Discussions will include addressing stakeholders and developing documents for the initiatives. Strategies for public campaigning and key considerations for engaging in strategic litigation will be shared. This will be followed by two breakout groups. One group will specifically look at how advocacy around the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act in Pakistan evolved over different stages of the law. The other group will look at the value of engaging in international advocacy, specifically with the mechanisms of the United Nations, and will seek to provide practical directions on effectively working with them to address national developments.

Reference Materials

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Reading Materials

Suggested readings:

  1. Steve Buckley, Advocacy strategies and approaches: Overview (May 2018)
  2. Open Society Foundations, An introductory guide to successful advocacy
  3. Nani Jensen Reventlow, Making accountability real: Strategic litigation (January 2020)
  4. Media Legal Defence Initiative, Digital Rights Litigation Guide (June 2020)
  5. Deborah Brown and Sheetal Kumar, A guide to help human rights defenders navigate the Universal Periodic Review (June 2016)

Additional readings:

  1. The Advocates for Human Rights, Advocacy at the United Nations
  2. International Service for Human Rights, Special Procedures: New ISHR guides for human rights defenders (November 2019)
  3. International Service for Human Rights, A practical guide to the UN Committee on NGOs (July 2017)
  4. International Service for Human Rights, Third Committee of the UNGA: A practical guide for NGOs (July 2017)
  5. Global Partners Digital, Navigating Human Rights in the Digital Environment: The UNHRC (December 2017)
  6. [Video] Association for Progressive Communications, Introduction to the Universal Periodic Review 
Session Summary