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Day 3 | Session 7: Internet governance & digital cooperation

Thursday, 1 July, 2021 [4:00 - 5:30 UTC]

Objective: This session will build on the discussions around multistakeholderism and look at how internet governance spaces can be used for advocacy. Specific emphasis will be given to the Roadmap For Digital Cooperation process and the Internet Governance Forum. Effective ways to engage in these processes will help participants identify where they can place themselves to advocate.

Session plan:

  • Road map for digital cooperation 
    • What is the Roadmap and what are the key areas it covers?
    • How and why was it created?
    • How is it being implemented?
  • Internet Governance Forum (IGF)
    • What is the IGF?
    • How to engage in the IGF and how can we shape the agenda?  
    • Inter-sessional work at the IGF through Best Practice Forums (BPF) and Dynamic Coalitions (DC) 
    • Asia Pacific Regional IGF (APrIGF), sub-regional IGFs and national IGFs - their relationship
    • Reflection about the IGF, future and how to strengthen it?

*Reading materials and Tables are hyperlinked, please click the text to access

Reading Materials:

Suggested Readings

  1. Internet Governance Forum, Evolution of the Internet Governance Ecosystem and Role of the IGF
  2. United Nations, High Level Panel on Digital Cooperation
  3. DigWatch, Overview of the IGF

Additional Readings

  1. Internet Society, Internet Governance: Why the Multistakeholder Approach Works
  2. UNESCO, What if we all governed the Internet? Advancing multistakeholder participation in Internet governance
  3. Internet Governance Forum. Regional IGFs and their initiatives


  1. IGF 2020
  2. IGF Structure
  3. Internet Governance Ecosystem

    📌 Presentation Slide

    🔖 Read Day 3 Summary Here



